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Jump to heading What's new in phabalicious 3.7?

Jump to heading What has changed?

Jump to heading PHP 7.2 required

Phabalicious requires now PHP version 7.2

Jump to heading drush error handling changed

Prior versions of phabalicious did not stop when drush exited with a non-zero return code, it only showed the error message but continued running other commands. This behavior is changed in phab 3.7 and phab will stop the execution if drush reports an error or exits with a non-zero return code. If you rely on the old behavior you can set drushErrorHandling to lax on your host-configuration.

Jump to heading copy-from and restore:sql-from-file aligned in its behavior

The behavior of copy-from and restore:sql-from-file get unified, both commands will drop the database before importing the sql-dump. If you do not want to drop the db before importing a new one, add the newly introduced --skip-db-dump-option

Jump to heading All database operations got removed from drush-method

All database operations regarding drupal-applications have been removed from the drush-command and refactored into a decicated method, so that the functionality can be used with other application types, like node- or laravel-based applications. See the sections below for more infos. You can still use drush to connect to a db e.g. phab -cmy-config drush sql-cli

Jump to heading What's new

Jump to heading Add descriptions and urls to the output of lists:hosts

Phab 3.7 now allows you to add descriptions and a list of urls to host-configs, so that other team-members can have this information at their finger-tips.

The fabfile itself can have a description, which will be shown on lists:hosts. Every host-config can have an info block with a description and one to many urls. (The first one is treated as the main url). Here's an example-fabfile:

description: |-
A multiline global project description which will be outputted on

description: A local installation aimed for development
publicUrl: https://localhost
id: local
label: Local installations
description: |-
A multiline string describing someDevInstance which has multiple public
- https://web.example.com
- https://bo.example.com
- https://search.example.com
id: develop
label: Dev installations

Note, that list:hosts will show only the first publicUrl. But you can run phab list:hosts -v to get a more verbose output with all urls and descriptions. The categories are used to group multiple configurations when they get printed.

If you want to hide a host-config from list:hosts set the hidden-property to true.

Jump to heading Added support for laravel applications

Phab introduces a new method for laravel-applications. Add laravel to the needs-section of your host-config and phab will take care of running needed artisan commands on reset or install. You can override the list of artisan-commands for each step, if necessary, have a look at the documentation.

To migrate an existing fabfile to laravel, just add laravel to the lists of needs. If your app needs a database, add mysql or sqlite to the list of needs, too. The you should be able to use all database-related commands also with your laravel app. Phab will run the necessary artisan-tasks on deployments like migrations or cache-clear. You can override the list of artisanTasks when running reset or install.

An example fabfile:

      description: A local laravel installation
      publicUrl: http://localhost:8080
      - sqlite
      - laravel
    branch: develop
    rootFolder: /home/user/project/a-laravel-project
        - config:cache
        - migrate
        - my-custom-artisan-command
        - cache:clear

A new artisan-command allows the user to run an artisan-command with a specific host-config.

phab -clocal artisan db:seed

Jump to heading New database-handling, add support for sqlite

Phab 3.7 now has dedicated database support via its method-mechanism. Previous versions of phabalicious relied on the functionality of drush to get an sql-dump or to restore a dump. This is now decoupled from drush and will be handled by the native commands. Currently phab supports mysql/mariadb and sqlite as database-engines. Add the corresponding method to your needs-section to add support for that particular database-engine.

Note, that when drush is in the needs, phab will default to the mysql-database, if you want to use sqlite with drush, add it explicitely to the needs-section.

Database-credentials will be used from the fabfile, or if not available, directly from the application either from environment variables (laravel) or by executing a drush-command. For other application types please provide the credentials in the fabfile.

Jump to heading New database command

Phab 3.7 introduces a new db-command to interact with a database of a host-config. Two subcommands are available, install and drop.

  • install will install a new database,
  • drop will drop all tables from that database.

Jump to heading Scaffold files before running a docker-command

Sometimes the configuration for a project differs from host to host. To support all these variations a lot of different configurations needed to be created and maintained, e.g. docker-compose-files for different setups. Phab 3.7 allows you to scaffold these files before runnin a docker- or docker-compose-command. That allows you to scaffold the necessary docker-compose.yml-file for that particular configuration right before it is needed. Using all the bells and whistles of the scaffolder you can reuse pretty much everything in the host-config to create one ore more tailored files.

Here's an example:

- templates/docker-compose.yml
- templates/docker-compose.override.yml

This will copy the two files in templates into the root-folder and apply any configuration from the host example before copying it to the destination.

Note: when running this on a remote host the scaffolder will use the local versions of the files and transfer the resulting files to the destination.

Jump to heading script execution contexts

In previous versions of phabalicious you might have noticed that scripts can have socalled script contexts. A script context defines in what context a script should be executed. An existing context is kubectl where a script wont be executed inside a pod, but in the same context as kubectl is operating. That allowed us to write scripts which will use the kubectl-specific configuration in a script.

Phab 3.7 brings this to a new level, as it allows two new script contexts: docker-image and docker-compose-run.

Running a script in the docker-image-context allows you to execute a script inside a docker-container of your choice. You need to provide the image name to use and phab will map the current working dir, user and group into the container and execute the script. After the script is finished, phab removes the container again. Here's an example:

- npm install -g gulp-cli
- npm install
- gulp run
- rm -rf node_modules
context: docker-image
image: node:12
user: node # Optional user, if not specified, the current uid:gid will be used

The current folder is mounted to /app in the container, and the current user- and group will be used inside the running container, if no user is specified. If you need to persist any files after the container got killed, make sure to copy/ move them into the /app-folder.

The container will be removed after the script finishes. Before the script is executed, phabalicious will pull the latest version of the docker-image.

The finally-step will executed after the script, it allows to cleanup any leftovers, regardless of the result of the script-execution (e.g. it returned early because of an error).

script-actions for scaffolders are supporting these new script-contexts, too, e.g.

- action: script
context: docker-image
image: node:14
- npm install -g gulp-cli
- npm install
- gulp run

The other newly introduced script-execution-context called docker-compose-run is similar. Instead of running the script in a docker-container, the script will be run in a particular service of a docker-compose-setup. This is suitable to run e.g. tests in isolation which needs other services like databases. Phab needs to know where the docker-compose-file is located and what service it should use to run the script in. Here's an example:

- composer install
- php artisan db:wipe --force
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan db:seed
- vendor/bin/phpunit
context: docker-compose-run
rootFolder: ./hosting/tests
service: php
workingDir: /app #working dir in the php service

Phab will look for a docker-compose.yml file in ./hosting/tests and will run the script in the container defined by the service php. The corresponding docker-compose.yml:

version: '2.1'
condition: service_healthy
context: ../../
dockerfile: ./hosting/builder/Dockerfile

APP_ENV: local
image: mysql:8
test: "mysqladmin -u root -proot ping"

Phab will run the script via docker-compose run php inside the php-service. In contrast to the docker-image- script-context no folders are mounted into the service. You need to set this up manually via your docker-compose.yml. After the script is finished phab will cleanup any containers and volumes by running docker-composer rm -s -v --force.

Jump to heading New twig filters for the scaffolder

Two new twig filters will be available in phab 3.7:

  • the md5-filter, which computes a md5 hash. aValue: "{{ "Hello world" | md5 }}" will result in aValue: "f0ef7081e1539ac00ef5b761b4fb01b3".
  • the secret-function to retrieve and use a particular secret in a twig-file.

Jump to heading Extended plugin mechanism to add new methods or commands

Phab 3.7 generalises the existing plugin mechanism for transformers (used by the scaffolder). Now you can extend phabalicious with custom methods and commands. Your custom plugin can use all public services provided by phabalicious like the ConfigurationService, or the ShellProviders etc.

A plugin contains at least a php file implementing the PluginInterface and the AvailableMethodsAndCommandsPluginInterface interfaces. This class is initialized by phabalicious at startup to discover any custom methods or commands. To enable a custom plugin you need to declare the path where phab can find the php-files via

- path/to/first/plugin/src/folder
- path/to/second/plugin/src/folder

Only local file paths are allowed. You can find an "hello world"-example in tests/assets/custom-plugin folder. A more elaborated example can be found here