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Jump to heading Scripts

Scripts are a powerful concept of phabalicious. There are a lot of places where scripts can be called. The common-section defines common scripts to be run for specific task/installation-type-configurations, docker-tasks are also scripts which you can execute via the docker-command. And you can even script phabalicious tasks and create meta-tasks. And you can add custom scripts to the general section of a fabfile or to a host-configuration. Scripts can call other scripts.

A script is basically a list of commands which get executed via shell on a local or remote machine. To stay independent of the host where the script is executed, phabalicious parses the script before executing it and replaces given variables with their counterpart in the yaml file.

Jump to heading Replacement-patterns

Replacement-Patterns are specific strings enclosed in %s, e.g. %host.port%, %dockerHost.rootFolder% or %arguments.name%.

Here's a simple example;

    - echo "I am running on %host.config_name%"

Calling this script via

phab config:mbb script:test

will show I am running on mbb.

  • The host-configuration gets exposes via the host.-prefix, so port maps to %host.port%, etc.
  • The dockerHost-configuration gets exposed via the dockerHost-prefix, so rootFolder maps to %dockerHost.rootFolder%
  • The global configuration of the yams-file gets exposed to the settings-prefix, so uuid gets mapped to `%settings.uuid%
  • Optional arguments to the script-task get the argument-prefix, e.g. %arguments.name%. You can get all arguments via %arguments.combined%.
  • Questions will also be exposed under the %arguments.-prefix (See below)
  • Computed properties are exposed under the %computed.-prefix. (See below)
  • Secrets are exposed under the %secret.-prefixe (See the secrets-section)
  • You can access hierarchical information via the dot-operator, e.g. %host.database.name%

If phabalicious detects a pattern it can't replace it will abort the execution of the script and displays a list of available replacement-patterns.

Here's a more elaborated example:

foo: bar

    foo: foobar
    foo: baz

    - echo foo is %settings.foo%
     - echo foo is %host.foo%
      foo: %settings.foo%
      echo foo is %arguments.foo%

Here's the output:

$ phab -ca script global-example
foo is bar

$ phab -ca script host-specific
foo is foobar

$ phab -cb script host-specific
foo is baz

$ phab -ca script user-example --arguments foo=foobarbaz
foo is foobarbaz

Jump to heading Internal commands

Phab provides a set of internal commands which can be called from within a script:

  • fail_on_error(1|0) If fail_on_error is set to one, phabalicious will exit if one of the script commands returns a non-zero return-code. When using fail_on_error(0) only a warning is displayed, the script will continue. Default is to stop execution if en error is detected
  • execute(task, subtask, arguments) execute a phabalicious task. For example you can run a deployment from a script via execute(deploy) or stop a docker-container from a script via execute(docker, stop)
  • fail_on_missing_directory(directory, message) will print message message if the directory directory does not exist.
  • log_message(severity, message) Prints a message to the output, for more info have a look at the scaffolder-documentation.
  • confirm(message) Will prompt for a confirmation from the user.

You can use most of the commands listed in the scaffolder-documentation in scripts too.

You can add scripts to the common-section, which will be called for any host. You can differentiate by task-name and host-type, e.g. create a script which gets called for the task deploy and type dev.

You can even run scripts before or after a task is executed. Append the task with Prepare or Finished.

You can even run scripts for specific tasks and hosts. Just add your script with the task-name as its key.

      - echo "Preparing deploy for test"
      - echo "Deploying on test"
      - echo "Deployment finished for test"

These scripts in the above examples gets executed only for the host test and task deploy.

Jump to heading Defaults

You can provide defaults for a script, which can be overridden via the --arguments commandline option

      foo: World
      - echo "Hello %arguments.foo%"


phab -c<config> script test

will output Hello World

phab -c<config> script test --arguments foo=bar

will output Hello bar

Jump to heading Script execution contexts

Sometimes it makes sense to run a script in a different execution context, e.g. not on the host-config, but for example in the context of the kubectl application or the docker host. You can override the context via

    context: kubectl
      - kubectl apply -f whatever

    context: docker-image
    image: node:12
    pullLatestImage: true
    bindCurrentFolder: true
    rootFolder: ./some/sub/folder
    user: node
      - npm install
      - npm run build
      FOO: bar
      FOOBAR: baz

These script execution-contexts are available

  • host

    this is the default context, running on the particular host.

  • kubectl

    the script will be executed in the same context, where kubectl commands are executed. Helpful for custom kubectl scripts. The example above will run the script not in the context of the host, but in the context of the shell which also runs the kubectl command.

  • docker-image

    the script will be executed in a docker-container created with the provided name of the docker-image to use, passing any environment variables to docker if any set. The current folder will be mounted as a volume inside the docker-container at /app and the script will be executed as the current user and group (if not a dedicated user is set via user). The container will be deleted afterwards, if you need to keep files persistent, make sure to move/ copy them to /app The above example will install the node-based app and execute the build-command using some/sub/folder as the root folder. If you want to skip the pull of the latest image, then set pullLatestImage to false. If bindCurrentFolder is true (which is the default setting) then the current host folder will be bound to /app.

  • docker-compose-run

    the script will be executed in a specific service of a docker-compose-setup. This will give you greater control when your app needs specific services running. When setting the context to docker-compose-run you need to provide the path to the docker-compose.yml file, the name of the service phab should use to execute the commands in and some other, optional parameters. Phab will autopopulate the environment variables USER_ID and GROUP_ID with the current user- and group-id, so you can workaround permission issues.

    Here's a full-fledge example:

          - composer install
          - php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
          - vendor/bin/phpunit
        context: docker-compose-run
        rootFolder: ./hosting/tests
        workingDir: /app
        pullLatestImage: true
        shellExecutable: /bin/bash # defaults to /bin/sh
        service: php
          FOO: bar
          FOOBAR: baz

    Phab will search for a docker-compose.yml in .hosting/tests and will run docker-compose run php /bin/bash to start a shell in the container of the named service. Any environment variables in environment get passed to docker-compose beforehand. Afterwards it will run the script itself in the service. After the script completes, phab will remove any containers and volumes automatically. Here's the corresponding docker-compose.yml-file:

    version: '2.1'
            condition: service_healthy
          context: ../../
          dockerfile: ./hosting/builder/Dockerfile
          DB_PASSWORD: root
          DB_USERNAME: root
          DB_DATABASE: tests
          DB_HOST: db
          APP_ENV: local
          image: mysql:8
            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root
            MYSQL_DATABASE: tests
            test: "mysqladmin -u root -proot ping"

Jump to heading Questions

A script can have a collection of questions to get data from the user in an interactive way. Here's an example:

        question: What version should we use to tag the current commit?
        validation: "/^(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)$/"
        error: "The version needs to adhere to the following schema: x.x.x"
      - log_message(Tagging current commit with %arguments.version% ...)
      - git tag %arguments.version% -m "tagging %arguments.version%"
      - confirm(Is everything looking good? Can I continue with pushing to origin?)
      - git push; git push --tags
      - log_message(success, Tagged and pushed version %arguments.version%!)

See the questions-section in the scaffolder docs for more infos.

If the user provides command line arguments with the same name as the question key, the question wont be shown, eg.

phab -cconfig script createRelease --arguments version=1.0.0

Jump to heading Cleaning up

Phab supports special clean-up scripts which will be execeuted regardless of the return code of the executed script. You can use them to clean up after a script or to call certain function regardless of the outcome of the script. Here's an example"

      - composer install
      - vendor/bin/phpunit
      - rm test-data
      - rm -rf vendor

Regardless if phpunit succeeds or fails, the script lines in finally will be executed, and after that, phab will be terminated with the return code of the script run. Helpful in ci tasks, where you need to cleanup after yourself.

Jump to heading Computed values

Computed values allows to call external commands and store their return value as a replacement pattern, which can be used in the script-part later. The results of the commands are stored under the corresponding key in the %computed% dictionary. In the below example the result of git describe ... gets stored as %computed.currentVersion% and can be used in the scripts-part.

If the executed command does not produce any output then the exit code is stored as the value.

      currentVersion: git describe --abbrev=0 --tag
      - log_message(success, Current version is %computed.currentVersion%)

Jump to heading Examples

A rather complex example scripting phabalicious.

      branch: develop
      - execute(docker, start)
      - execute(docker, waitForServices)
      - execute(deploy, %arguments.branch%)
      - execute(script, behatInstall)
      - execute(script, behat, --profile=ci --format=junit --format=progress)
      - execute(getFile, /var/www/_tools/behat/build/behat/default.xml, ./_tools/behat)
      - execute(docker, stop)

This script will

  • start the docker-container,
  • wait for it,
  • deploys the given branch,
  • run a script which will install behat,
  • run behat with some custom arguments,
  • gets the result-file and copy it to a location,
  • and finally stops the container.